This is an invitation to dive deeply into your own unique nervous system with tools to help you regulate your nervous system and live from a more grounded place.

Nervous System Regulation + Healing: 

Tools + Techniques for Your Life, Work + Relationships

Looking to get unstuck, but mindset work doesn't seem to take you as deep anymore?

I can’t stress the importance of doing this work with your nervous system enough. Learning your own unique nervous system and how to work with it makes everything easier – it makes work easier, it makes your relationships easier, it makes parenting easier, it makes owning a business easier, it makes thriving easier, it makes navigating the ups and downs of life easier. All of it.


Using these tools helps you to expand your nervous system capacity…which in turns makes it easier for you to:

  • Have hard and real conversations with your partner
  • Be calmer with your children
  • Say no to things in your life and work that don’t align with you
  • Navigate the ups and downs of life and business more easily
  • Take up more space in your life
  • Set and uphold boundaries
  • Approach difficult situations from a more grounded spot
  • Have more energy for your life and work
  • Overcome people-pleasing and perfectionism

special offer


2-hour Masterclass that you can watch at your convenience


Overview of Nervous System Regulation


Why It’s Important for Your Life, Work + Relationships to Heal and Regulate Your Nervous System


My Nervous System Regulation + Somatic Healing Journey So Far


Four Simple, Yet Highly Effective Tools to Use in Your Day-to-Day for a Healthy Nervous System

Just $47 - and easily worth $500

Why I'm so passionate about Nervous System 

regulation + Healing

I'm an Intuitive Life, Business + Career Coach who supports women in living life on their terms and doing business their way. And, I've been doing mindset work myself and with my clients for years. But once I experienced what a truly regulated nervous system feels like via working with my coach, it took everything to the next level. Now, I have studied it and believe extensively in the combination of mindset and nervous system work - something I incorporate in my work with my clients and of course continue to practice myself.

It greatly accelerates creating our internal and external thrive modes and has long-lasting effects on our inner thrive and the peace, joy and contentment we are able to feel as well as helps us better manage through the not so joyful times. The combination of this work has been so potent for me in the last year, and most recently I've been bringing it to my clients. It's powerful, it has accelerated my own growth (internally and externally), and the healing is for the long-term.

You can learn more about me and how my work can benefit you by visiting

“All the beautiful tools Ashley gave us, I was able to use them, apply them to my life and then I looked forward to coming back and sharing it with the group."

Tricia h.

After this

a Foundation to build upon

You’ll have the insight you need to noticing and tracking your own nervous system patterns.

Everyday tools to use + practice

Simple tools to use on a daily basis to help you regulate and heal your nervous system as well as feel your feelings.

more energy for life + work

Your energy levels and ability to approach life and business from a regulated and calm space will enhance your life + success in your work greatly.

More Energy, More Life, More Thriving.

Visit to learn more and to sign up for Ashley's weekly newsletter with tips, inspiration, and guidance for your life + work.